"Sectoral sanctions sooner or later will be lifted, and foreign companies that have switched from traditional trade to new forms of interaction will have an advantage in the new environment", said Tatiana Legcilina, Deputy Director of the Department for External Relations and Work with the Business Councils of the Russian CCI, during a meeting with a delegation of the Italian Autonomous Region of Sardinia on 19/12/17 in Moscow.

Mrs. Legchilina has put particular emphasis on the experience of the major Italian companies such as Pirelli, Ferrero, Barilla and others locating their production in Russia within the framework of the "Made with Italy" concept ("Fatto con Italia"). The specialized presentation at the Russian CCI site has been noted as an effective means of promoting the economic potential of a foreign region.

The visit of the Sardinian delegation to the Russian CCI was organized with the assistance of the Bulgarian-Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, which hosted a multilateral meeting in Sofia on 9 November 2017 with the participation of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria, the Embassy and Trade Representation of the Russian Federation in our country (http://brcci.net/home/news/99-italian-delegation) .

 For further  details of the negotiations between the Russian CCI and the Sardinian delegation, follow the link: http://tpprf.ru/ru/vneshnie-svyazy/vneshnie-svyazy-news/-i220385/.


Sardinia Everywhere, Italian Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria, Bulgarian-Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, RussianChamber of Commerce and Industry, Sanctions, BRCCI, Russian federation

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